Full House Lost Episode


February 10, 2015

Okay, so today, I've found two audio tapes and decided to decode them, and here you go. It's about some girl named Kimmy Q. who faked her suicide on her discovery of some kind of lost 90's Full House episode.
"Uhh... So yeah. I'm Kimmy Quintin, or Jentin Jackson because I've come up with a secret identity so the world won't know I'm still alive. I actually...uhh...faked my suicide ever since I wrote the "last pages" of my diary. Currently, I'm in Chicago right now, having secretly moved from Los Angeles. And it's July Yesterday, I heard the news of my brother, Jimmy Q, committing suicide over my "death". Anyways, I've bought a Blu-ray of Transformers: Age of Extinction, and when I got home to open it, inside was shockingly nothing but a blank-looking Blu-ray disc with the label "Scrapped FH Episode - DO NOT WATCH" on it. What the? FH? Ugh, this is difficult to decode. And "do not watch"? Ridiculous. Anyways, I'll watch it tomorrow. This is Kimmy Q out."
Okay, this has been the recording from the late sister of her also late brother. so I'm a audio tape collector, but I'd like my name not to be seen, so just call me anonymous. Oh yeah, I'll post the other recording in a week.

February 11, 2015

"Oh god... I... I can't e-even handle this shit anym-more...I've made a terrible fucking mistake in y-y-years... I-I'll try to d-describe this...today. I inserted this... This horrible disc into the Blu-ray player I have... And it started p-playing instantly. It showed the w-word "Full House"... I.. I watched it when I was younger... It w-was a show about Dr. Huxtable and his family... This time... It was different th-than all the episodes I've watched... *sniff sniff* There was not even a laugh track... Only just Danny Tanner himself preparing to hang hi-himself as his room was in ruins... N-no... He wrapped the rope around his n-neck and tightened it really hard. He gagged. It sounded...horrible. The cringing sound effects played, and I found the l-lack of sympathy...disturbing. *crying* An-anyways...the iconic music p-played but it sounded...d-demonic... I couldn't handle it a-any more..I...tried to turn the TV off but...